Sneak Peeks
- 1 Year Portraits, Middle Tennessee Photography, Milestone Photography, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, One Year Portraits, Rutherford County Photography, Smyrna Children's Photographer, Smyrna Family Photographer, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Photographer presents: Riley Kay turns 1!
Little Miss Riley Kay has turned one! I have had so much fun photographing her over the past year and watching her grow so fast! To be totally honest, her shoot was plagued with scary rain clouds looming overhead, but thankfully the rain stayed away and I do love how her shoot turned out:) Here are a few of my favs~
- Children's Photography, Franklin Photographer, Lebanon Photographer, McMinnville Childrens Photographer, Middle Tennessee Photography, Mt. Juliet Photographer, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, Murfreesboro Newborn Photographer, Newborn Portraits, Newborns, Rutherford County Photography, Smyrna Children's Photographer, Smyrna Photographer, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Children's Photographer Presents: Miss B's Outdoor Newborn Shoot
Outdoor Newborn Shoots….. LOVE THEM! I hardly ever get the chance to do outdoor newborn shoots, its hard to get the perfect temp, time of day, and parents willing to let me shoot outside with their brand new baby, but then again, thats why I love Miss B’s momma 🙂 Here are a few of my favorites of big brother, her family, and just Miss B ~
- Middle Tennessee Photography, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Senior Portraits, Rutherford County Photography, Seniors, Smyrna Senior Portraits, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Photographer Presents : Whitney's Senior Pictures Sneak Peek
Miss Whitney and her sweet family drove all the way from Kentucky to come see me for her senior portraits~ Talk about making my day 🙂 I was super excited to see them again and her session did not disappoint! Whitney came with all sorts of ideas and props to make her pictures interesting. Being someone who totally needs a stylist, I love photographing someone who can accessorize! During her shoot, we were trying to recreate a picture that was taken of her with bubbles as a really small child. Since I didn’t have the original to go from, we had lots of fun with bubbles trying to get it just right. Here are some of my favorites~
- Children's Photography, Family Photographer, Mt. Juliet Photographer, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, Murfreesboro Newborn Photographer, Murfreesboro Photographer, Newborn Portraits, Newborns, Rutherford County Photography, Smyrna Children's Photographer, Smyrna Family Photographer, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Newborn Photographer presents: Sweet Hadley's Sneak Peek
Meet sweet Hadley! Super sweet, the best little poochy lips, and to top it all off~ baby rolls! I LOVE some baby chub!
Ms. Hadley was not immediately into sleeping, so we did catch some awake photos as well! While we were waiting for her to fall asleep, I ran through my reporter sized stack of questions that I ask everyone~ where are you from? what do you do? yada yada, and what do you know, Ms. Hadley’s mom and I went to the same tiny college in Michigan and graduated 2 years apart! If you can understand, Northwood has about 2000 kids in attendance each year, so it was pretty cool! Small world! Anywho, when Hadley finally fell asleep, we got some super cute shots! Here are a few of my favorites!
- Children's Photography, Family Photographer, Middle Tennessee Photography, Mt. Juliet Photographer, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, Murfreesboro Photographer, Murfreesboro Sibling Photography, Rutherford County Photography, Smyrna Children's Photographer, Smyrna Photographer, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Photographer Presents: Cousins Photoshoot
This is the second year in a row that I was given the opportunity to photograph these two sweet families. Last year it was a surprise that lasted less than a week (hehe) but this year its no secret, so I get to share their beautiful faces on my blog! I always love their coordinating but not matchy matchy outfits. The best part is Ashley, the oldest of the cousins, is the stylist for the entire shoot. She picked the clothes, dressed everyone, did hair and makeup. Every family needs an Ashley! If she lived close by, I would enlist her help for my own family shoots! Here are some of my favs ~
- Family Photographer, McMinnville Childrens Photographer, Mt. Juliet Photographer, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, Murfreesboro Sibling Photography, Rutherford County Photography, Sneak Peeks, Tea Party Photoshoot
Murfreesboro Photographer Presents: Tea Time
Remember when you were like 12 years old and your best friend had an idea and no matter what it was, you were all in? Well, this week my best friend had an idea to do a tea party photo shoot for our 4 girls and of course I couldn’t wait to do it. I have never done a themed photo shoot before so it was something fun and new and I think it turned out fabulously! I have completely lost the ability to be objective so there are about a zillion photos! Check out my favorites~
- 1 Year Portraits, 18 Month Portraits, McMinnville Photographer, Mt. Juliet Photographer, Murfreesboro Childrens Photography, Murfreesboro Family Photographer, Murfreesboro Photographer, Nolensville Photographer, Rutherford County Photography, Smyrna Children's Photographer, Sneak Peeks
Murfreesboro Photographer Presents: Eli's Sneak Peek
Eli got in on all the good weather last Monday too and I had the privilege of shooting with him before all the storms rolled in! Check out this sweet boy and his big green tractor~